Profil de arky Florent 36 ans | Paulhan 34 | 0 vote | 1 m72 , 60 kg« I cannot live, I can't breathe unless you do this with me... » | |
| Goûts personnels | | | J'aime Le Respect - L'Honnêteté Le Dessin - La Musique - La Photographie Mes Amis - Ma Famille... J'aime pas L'Hypocrisie Le Mensonge La Méchanceté gratuite... Musique Cinéma Will Smith / Bruce Willis La Ligne Verte / Le 6ème Sens / 7 Vies American History X / Walkyrie | |
| Description personnelle | | | Skeptical infactuation, my obsession, Telling the world you dont belong here well i think you do, You are the fruit,you are so sweet, But this sounds like the time you said to me you never wanted me inside you,you. Inside you, Inside you, Take me inside, I can't rely on you. You're always unpredictable, You leave no trace, You never introduced yourself, Introduce me, You always change your mind, You make no sense, I love you that way. Seperate, lacetate, Sail through the sins, Crawl around my hands. You're always unpredictable, You leave no trace, You never introduced yourself, Introduce me, You always change your mind, You make no sense, I love you that way. Crunch dry leaves, convenient beliefs, Hairs on end, mutters dreams, Finding something, broken from us, Drinking me dry, smiling to cry, Goosebumps galore, I can't expect more, Fracture vision, I see her face, I bring you down. You're always unpredictable,You leave no trace, You never introduced yourself,Introduce me, You always change your mind,You make no sense, I love you that way. You're always unpredictable You're always unpredictable You're always unpredictable I love you that way. | |
| Commentaires | ... 40 41 42 43 44 ... | | | | celestinaaaaaa COMPTE SUPPRIMÉ Lun 23/04/2007 20:49 |
| | merci pour ton com! | |
| justmissangel COMPTE SUPPRIMÉ Ven 20/04/2007 19:09 |
| | salut toi, je passai par la et je t'ai trouvé mignon donc jte le di, ca fais toujour plaisir ^^ tu es mignon kiss | |
| sexy-titi COMPTE SUPPRIMÉ Ven 20/04/2007 15:50 |
| | ...(¨¨¨¨)**..___..**(¨¨¨¨)... """joyeux anniverssaire""" ...(¨¨¨¨)**..___..**(¨¨¨¨)... tu sera 1 ange si tu me lache 1 vote et pour ma copine Vanille.34 merciiiiiiiiii gros bisoussssssss ______88:::::::::888:::8888888888888888888888888 _____88888888::::8:::::::::::88888888888888888888 ____888 8::888888::::::::::::::::::888888888888888888 ____88:::::88888888:::::m::::::::::88888888888888 888 ____888888888888888888::M:::::::::::8888888888888 88 ____88888888888888888888::::::::::::M888888888888 88 ____8888888888888888888888:::::::::M8888888888888 88 ____ 8888888888888888888888:::::::M888888888888888888 ____8888888888888888::88888::::::M888888888888888 8888 ___88888888888888888:::88888:::::M888888888888888 88888 __ 88888888888888888:::88888::::M;o*M*o;::8888888888 88 __88888888888888888:::8888:::::M:::::::::::::8888 88888888 _ 88888888888888888::::88::::::M:;:::::::::::::8888 8888888 _8888888888888888888:::8::::::Maaa:::::::::::M888 88888888 _88_ 8888888888::88::::8::::M:::::::::::::::::::888888 888888 88_88888888888:::8:::::::::M::::::::::;:::::::::8 :88888888888 8_8888888888888:::::::::::M::"a@@@aa"::: :::8w8888 8888888 _88888888888:888::::::::::M:::::"aaa"::: :::::::M8 8888888888888 8888888888::::88:::::::::M88:::::::::::::::::M88z 8888888888888 8888888888:::::8:::::::::M88888::::::::::MM888!88 88888888888 888888888:::::8:::::::::M8888888MAmmmAMVMM888*888 8888 888888 M:::::::::::::::M888888888:::::::MM88888888888888 8888_ M::::::::::::::M88888888888::::::MM88888888888888 888 _M:::::::::::::M8888888888888M:::::mM888888888888 88 _888_M::::::::::::M8888:888888888888::::m::Mm8888 888888 _ 88_M::::::::::::8888:88888888888888888::::::Mm8_ 88888 _ 88_M::::::::::8888M::88888::888888888888:::::::Mm 8888 _ 8 _MM::::::::8888M:::8888:::::888888888888::::::::M 8 ___ 8M:::::::8888M:::::888:::::::88:::8888888:::::::: m ___88MM:::::8888M:::::::88::::::::8:::::888888::: :::::M __ 8888M:::::888MM::::::::8:::::::::::M::::8888::::M :::M __88888M:::::88:M::::::::::8:::::::::::M:::8888:: :::M::M _ 88 888MM:::888:M::::::::::::::::::::::M:8888:::::::: ::::M: _ 8 88888M:::88::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MM:88::::::: ::::::::M __ 88888M:::88::M::::::::::::*88*::::::::M:88::::::: ::::::::::M __888888M:::88::M:::::::::88@@88::::::M::88:::::: ::::::::::::M __888888MM::88::MM::::::88@@88::::::M:::8:::::::: ::::::::::::*8 __88888 M:::8:MM::::::::::::*88*::::::::M:::::::::::::::: :::::88@@ __ 8888 _M::::::MM:::::::::::::::::::::::MM:::::::::::::: ::::::::88@@ ___888_ M:::::::MM:::::::::::::::::::::MM:M:::::::::::::: ::::::::::*8 ___888__M::::::MMM:::::::::::::::::::MM:::MM::::: :::::::::::::::::M ___88 __M::::::::MMMM:::::::::::MMMM:::::MM:::::::::::: :::::::MM ____88__M::::::::::MMMMMMMMMMMM:::::::::MMM:::::: ::::::MMM ____ 88__M::::::::::::::MMMMMMM:::::::::::::::::MMMMMM MMM _____88 _8M:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: MMMMMM _____8 _88M:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::M::::::M:::::::: :::::MM _______ 888M::::::::::::::::::::::::::MM::::::MM::::::::: M _______88888M:::::::::::::::::::::MMM:::::::mM::: ::MM _______888888M:::::::::::::::::MMM:::::::::MMM::: :M ______ 8888888M:::::::::::::::MMM:::::::::::MM:::::M ______88 88888M::::::::::::MMM::::::::::::::M::::::M ______8_88888M:::::::::::MM:::::::::::::::M:::::: M: _______ 88888:M::::::::::M::::::::::::::::M:::::::MM _______888888M:::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::::: M:M _______888888M:::::::M:::::::::@::::::::::::::::M :M _______88888M:::::::::::::::::@@::::::::::::::::: ::M ______ 88888M:::::::::::::::::@@@::::::::::::::::M:::M ______88888M::::::::::::::::::@@::::::::::::::::: M::::M _____ 88888M:::::::m::::::::::@:::::::::Mm:::::::M::::: _____8888M::::::::M:::::::::::::::::::::::MM::::: :M:::::::M ____ 8888M::::::::M::::::::::::::::::::::MMM::::::::M: :::::M ____888_M:::::::Mm::::::::::::::::::::MMM:::::::: M:::::::::M ___8888_MM:::::Mm::::::::::::::::::: | |
| lamissssdu30 COMPTE SUPPRIMÉ Ven 20/04/2007 12:02 |
| | slt sa va juste pour te souhaite un joyeux annif voila passe sur ma fiche si ta le temp voila gros bisous a++++ dodie | |
| david2434 COMPTE SUPPRIMÉ Jeu 19/04/2007 18:12 |
| | absolumen dac avec toi! | |
| fannou9977 COMPTE SUPPRIMÉ Mer 07/03/2007 18:23 |
| | kan mm nnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | |
| trendy-vintage COMPTE SUPPRIMÉ Mer 07/03/2007 18:07 |
| | Voter pour moi sur le magazine desillusion ! voici le lien et votez tous les jours si vous voulez bien... je compte sur vous ! merci encore ! www.desillu...php?mess=1 mon pseudo pour les vote est "princesse" (ceci est un copier coller veuillez m'excuser...) | |
| stoplesplaintes COMPTE SUPPRIMÉ Mer 28/02/2007 22:23 |
| | salut a tous, voila un pti grain de conscience jetez un oeil a ma fiche et laissez des coms si ca vous en dit voila big up ciao | |